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Where do orangutans live in Malaysia?

The Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah, on the island of Borneo, are home to two endangered sub-species of orangutan – Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus in Sarawak and Pongo pygmaeus morio in Sabah.

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Why are orangutans endangered?

The Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is now critically endangered, with populations in sharp decline due to habitat destruction and illegal hunting, the IUCN declared last week. Bornean orangutans live only on the island of Borneo, where their populations have declined by 60 percent since 1950. Man könnte auch fragen: Why are orangutans only found in Southeast Asia? Threats to Biological Diversity

Poor concession management, slash and burn agriculture, illegal logging and the massive expansion of palm oil plantations have all contributed to a decreasing rainforest habitat.

Und noch eine Frage: What is the IQ of an orangutan?

IQselected primate
Which is the smartest ape? The great apes are the smartest of all nonhuman primates, with orangutans and chimpanzees consistently besting monkeys and lemurs on a variety of intelligence tests, Duke University Medical Center researchers have found.

What happens if orangutans go extinct?

If orangutans were to disappear, so would several tree species, especially those with larger seeds. The tropical rainforests where Sumatran orangutans live are also home to other spectacular species including rare Sumatran tigers, Sumatran elephants, and Sumatran rhinoceroses. What are 5 interesting facts about orangutans? Top 10 facts about orangutans

  • There are 3 species of orangutan.
  • Orangutans are the heaviest tree-dwelling animal.
  • They've got long arms.
  • They don't mind eating with their feet.
  • They learn everything they need to know from mum.
  • Males are majestic.
  • They build nests to sleep in.
  • Some orangutans use tools.

Man könnte auch fragen: Who discovered orangutans?

Europeans became aware of the existence of the orangutan in the 17th century. Explorers in Borneo hunted them extensively during the 19th century. The first scientific description of orangutans was given by Dutch anatomist Petrus Camper, who observed the animals and dissected some specimens. Die Leute fragen auch: Is orangutan a female? Orangutans are sexually dimorphic, which means that there are significant differences in size and shape between males and females. The most notable difference is seen in their body size and face morphology. Males can often weigh over 200 pounds (90 kg), whereas females are 1/3-1/2 of their size.

Und what are baby orangutans called?

The offspring, called babies or infants, just like humans, typically weighs 3.3 to 4.5 lbs. (1.5 to 2 kg). Males typically leave and live alone for the rest of their lives while females have their own young to live with and care for.

By Santiago

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